Tropical Faves Sale 🌺 Ends 6d 5h 28m 0s
Bridal Veil Astilbe will work well in borders, as a mass planting, or even as a cut flower. These white flowers are very easy to grow and will grow and bloom even during the hot summers! Just give them a drink every once in a while and they will grow healthy and strong. Astilbe will grow from 20-30" tall and love the shade and partial shade.
New to planting bare roots? Click here for planting and care advice from our Bulb Blog!
This was very vigorous and is the first astilbe from HBF to have a bloom on it already!! I can’t wait to see what happens. The foliage is very pretty also.
HUGE root systems were sent. Planted right away and very happy with their growth.
I ordered these at the end of spring on sale. They arrived fast and very healthy looking. I planted same day. It seemed like just a few days and I seen it coming up. Very happy with this purchase. I wish I could figure out how to share a picture with this review.
The bare roots started leafing out almost immediately after planting. They are looking incredibly healthy and happy and filling their space. And one of the three already has a few blooms (they are tiny and not yet usable as a cut flower, but any bloom is a pleasant surprise for a first year perennial. Especially a bare root). I’ll be ordering more.
I think the lack of sun and late planting made my rhizome not have much of a chance last year. Hoping for a great bloom this year since I remedied those problems!