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New To Gardening FAQ

QHow will my bulbs/plants arrive?

Most of the items we sell are harvested and shipped in a dormant state. Therefore, we attempt to keep all of our plant starts, bare roots, and bulbs in this state of dormancy to save the plant any unnecessary stress which may affect its performance. If some of these root starts or bulbs do begin to grow prior to shipment, this growth may dieback prior to arriving to the customer. However, this should not cause alarm. Once these items are planted in fertile soil and well-watered, they will need a few weeks to re-establish and start growing in their new location.

Waxed amaryllis will arrive in a dormant state. Since the bulb is dormant when shipped little to no growth will be present. A bud may be present on some waxed amaryllis but not all. Waxed amaryllis should be placed in a warm location for optimal growth. Growth and blooms will occur within 4-8 weeks of receiving the bulb.

QWhy aren’t tulips, daffodils, and other bulbs available for spring planting?

Most fall-planted bulbs, such as daffodils, tulips, and hyacinth, require a "chilling period" of at least 10-16 weeks prior to sprouting in the spring. These cool temperatures trigger the process inside the bulb which produces growth and causes the plant to flower in the springtime. Not only is the fall season the only correct time to plant these bulbs, but it is also the only time of the year that these bulbs are available for purchase since they are harvested during the summer months.

QAre there any deer resistant bulbs available?

Yes! While no plant is "deer proof" (if they're hungry enough, they'll eat just about anything!), there are definitely some bulbs which deer tend to avoid. These include the following: allium, anemone, daffodils, fritillaria, and hyacinth.

QWhich end of a bulb should be planted up?

Generally speaking, the more "pointed" end of a bulb should be directed towards the soil surface. In some cases, the "pointed" end of a bulb may be difficult to determine. If this is the case, take your best guess and plant accordingly. If the bulbs is relatively small, it will right itself as it feels the warm of the sun and moisture from the ground surface but may just take a few extra days to sprout. To read more, visit this blog post about planting bulbs correctly on the Bulb Blog.

Flower Bulb Blog Tips and Tricks