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Dutch Blue and White Hyacinth Collection

Hyacinth orientalis

Fall Pre-Order
Was: $102.74
Fall Pre-Order
You Save: $35.96 (35.0%)
45 bulbs per package
5.00 stars, based on 4 review(s)
Ships: Fall [?]

    Bulb Size

    14/15 cm

    Soil Requirements

    Well Drained Soil

    Hardiness Zones

    4 to 8

    Light Requirements

    Full Sun, Partial Shade

    Plant Spacing


    Planting Depth


    Mature Height

    8" to 14"

    Flower Color


    Bloom Time

    Mid Spring

    Suitable Zones

    4 to 9


    Good as Cut Flowers, Good For Indoor Forcing, Grows Well In Containers, Perennializing, Pleasantly Scented

    Planting Time

    Fall Planting

    Genus Species

    Hyacinth orientalis

    Enjoy a sweet scent for your nose and a pleasing vision for your eyes with this Dutch Blue Hyacinth Collection. Great for planting in borders and hyacinths are one of the easiest bulbs to force for indoor blooms!

    This collection contains the following:

    1 (15 bulb) pack of #84104 Blue Jacket Hyacinth Jumbo Pack

    1 (15 bulb) pack of #84105 Aiolos Hyacinth Jumbo Pack

    1 (15 bulb) pack of #84101 Delft Blue Hyacinth Jumbo Pack

    Click here for a complete guide on planting Hyacinth! 

    Click here to read our Bulb Blog with more great information regarding growing Hyacinth successfully! 

    • Hyacinths prefer a sunny planting location
    • Plant hyacinths in well-drained soil; amend the soil with organic matter such as compost, manure or peat moss.
    • The skin of hyacinths can cause a minor allergic skin reaction in some people. We suggest using gloves when handling your hyacinth bulbs.
    • Plant hyacinth bulbs 6-8” deep, for strong root growth dig out the entire planting area 15” deep, back fill with amended soil to 6-8” and plant your hyacinth bulbs, back fill with remaining soil.
    • Space hyacinth bulbs 6-8”.
    • Water the planting area immediately after planting to eliminate air pockets. Hyacinths are very sensitive to rotting, any additional water in fall or winter is not suggested.
    • Apply a thick 2-3” layer of organic mulch to the planting area in mid to late fall.
    Overall Customer Rating of 4 Reviews:
    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star

    Fall bulbs

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Looking forward to blooming flowers

    Great for indoor forcing!

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Very fragrant!

    Beautiful flowers!

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Happy these are back, very fragrant blossoms!

    Excellent value

    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Very fragrant flowers! Great price!