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The fragrance and beauty of this collection can only be made from the fairies that live in your garden. Woodstock, Purple Passion and Aiolos Hyacinth are highly fragrant and look nice mixed together, and also make a great front of border plant. Tulips are a thing of whimsy and wonder, and must have for the spring garden, this feminine combination of light pink, purple and white will be sure to add grace and style to your mid spring blooming garden.
This Collection Contains the following:
1 (6 bulb) pack of #84117 Purple Pride Hyacinth
1 (6 bulb) pack of #84129 Woodstock Hyacinth
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88146 Finola Double Late Tulip
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88129 Negrita Triumph Tulip
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88138 Pim Fortuyn Triumph Tulip
1 (6 bulb) pack of #84118 Aiolos Hyacinth
Click here for more hints and tricks to planting Fall bulbs!
I bought this collection and it came with each flower type in its own bag. I tossed them all together, along with some miniature daffodil bulbs for a splash of yellow and tiger eye irises for earlier color, and planted them randomly in an outside border area in ~Nov, and it all came up beautifully starting in Feb. and March!