35+ Lucky Faves 50% OFF 🍀 Ends 3d 2h 22m 23s
Enjoy 100 blooms of various shades of pink and purple with this pink and purple tulip collection! The blooming will begin with the Stunning Apricot Single Early Tulips, Purple Prince Single Early Tulip, Negrita Triumph Tulips, and Blue Spectacle Double Tulips After the early and mid-blooming tulips finish you can expect a show from the Finola Double Tulips, Burgundy Lace Fringed Tulips, Fancy Frills Fringed Tulips, Purple Dream Lily Flowering Tulip, and Green Wave Parrot Tulips. 100 blooms throughout spring will make a strong statement in your garden! This collection will cover approximately 25 square feet.
This Collection contains the following:
1 (12 bulb) pack of #88116 Purple Prince Single Early Tulip
1 (12 bulb) pack of #88206 Burgundy Lace Fringed Tulips
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88146 Finola Double Late Tulip
1 (12 bulb) pack of #88148 Blue Spectacle Double Early Tulip
1 (12 bulb) pack of #88203 Fancy Frills Fringed Tulip
1 (12 bulb) pack of #88225 Green Wave Parrot Tulips
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88379 Purple Dream Lily Flowering Tulip
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88129 Negrita Triumph Tulip
1 (10 bulb) pack of #88117 Stunning Apricot Single Early Tulip
Click here for a complete guide on planting Tulips!
Click here to read our Bulb Blog with more great information regarding growing Tulips successfully!
I can’t get over how beautiful these tulips are. We spend time enjoying them daily. I wish I could attach a photo of them. They colors a a slight be different but I enjoy what I have more then what’s in the photo.
Arrived on schedule and bulbs seem to be good quality
These were good quality bulbs. Very colorful flowers.
This was a nice variety of tulips in shades of pinks and purples. The only tulip in the group that I was not very happy with was the Green Wave Parrot Tulip. It had too much green in it and not enough pink, and it didn't look like a traditional tulip.
I can't say I was expecting too much, given how inexpensive they were.. and wow am I blown away by how absolutely stunning these tulips are. The mix is so thoughtful.. the colors change as the weeks go by and early ones are spent but new ones are blooming, and yet the colors keep working together beautifully. I will definitely buy more to spread this beautiful display!