Tropical Faves Sale 🌺 Ends 3d 10h 59m 48s
The unique Asiatica Purple Crinum Lily will sure to WOW you! The purple foliage will add a beautiful contrast to any garden or container. The purple foliage is offset with white/purple spider-like blooms. Plant in your garden bed or in a container to add some tropical interest to your garden!
Click here for a complete guide on planting bare root perennials, including Crinum Lily!
This plant is gorgeous ! The leaves will start to open up and it is this gorgeous purple. I have 2 of these. I think this is the perfect plant because I love plants for their leaves, but this beauty has Lily flowers in the middle!
I received 2 corms (1st order with HBF) and was delightfully surprised at the size of what was sent for the price listed. 2 VERY large mature divisions. Well worth the price (even if at full price) for the size received. Thank you HBF!
I haven't planted it yet, but man is this thing massive. I'm very impressed and will order more 😍
Huge tuber-8"-10"! Excellent quality bulb/tuber. Slow to start but turns into amazingly huge plant. Takes 2-3 years to bloom, but keep it barely watered inside in winter in the North although one can let it go dormant. Well worth the money.
I had doubts about this plant because it was so big and I did not know what side to plant it. However, I reached out to customer service and they let me know how to plant it. It is now thriving and growing. I ordered another one, planted it the right way and that one is thriving as well.