Can you just not get enough of Fritillaria???
Then we created this collection just for you! Holland Bulb Farms is proud to present the Frantic for Fritillaria Collection which contains our (3) top-selling Crown Imperials! You'll receive (2) of each of the colors red, orange, and yellow for a total of (6) top-sized bulbs.
About Fritillaria: Fritillaria (or Crown Imperials as they are also called) are unique-looking tall plants which make quite the statement in the mid-spring garden. Their bell-shaped blooms hang upside down from the green "crown" of foliage at the top of the plant. Truly a wonder, these plants are extremely deer and rodent resistant and some claim that just their presence keeps these pests away from surrounding bulbs and plants as well! Please note: plant bulb on its side.
This collection contains the following:
2 (1 bulb) packs of #87104 Lutea Yellow Fritillaria
2 (1 bulb) packs of #87106 Rubra Red Fritillaria
2 (1 bulb) packs of #87107 Aurora Orange Fritillaria
Click here for a complete guide on planting Frtillaria!