I gave these as Valentine gifts to my friends and relatives and everyone was overwhelmed with the fact that no watering and the beautiful blooms they all had.
These were a gift and the recipient was thrilled. All bloomed well- some even bloomed twice.
These bulbs grew into beautiful flowers just as the worse of winter hit. I gave several different varieties of Amaryllis bulbs (pre-planted, just add water and sun) as Christmas gifts. These were a big hit! And they all produced multiple, gorgeous blossoms as evidenced by the photos of the blooming flowers, sent by text from all who received them. This is the gift that gave back to me, since I was able to get a nice message and photo of the blooms as we hit mid to late January. I also tried the waxed bulb as a gift for my family. It was lovely and had multiple blooms, no care was required. It survived a long RV trip and kept blooming. These were high quality bulbs with beautiful blooms. Thank you!
I purchased 4 amaryllis and they are beautiful I plan to take care of them for reblooming down the road.