I bought 4 bulbs at the end of the season. They all sprouted. I can’t wait to see them bloom!
These Daffodils were exactly what I was looking for. Beutiful white/ cream Daffodils. If this is your first time planting. Don't panic when you see the yellow centers when they first bloom. The yellow fades to the white very quickly and they stay gorgeous!
Bulbs were in great shape upon arrival. Bloo.s should be abundant come spring/summer.
I ordered and received 120 daffodil bulbs and was happy with how healthy and big the bulbs were. I am excited for spring when I can enjoy 100 King Alfred daffodils, 10 Las Vegas daffodils and 10 Mount Hood daffodils for the first time and for many years to come. I was very happy with the great sale that Holland Bulb Farms had so I could get more bulbs than I originally planned.