These are blooming for me now (Zone 5b). They are primarily red (confirmed by the spouse and neighbors), but when you get really, really close to them, you can see the orangish tinge on the outside of the petals. Excellent bulbs though. They all came up!
I planted these 2 1/2 years ago, and they have all come up in spring 2 years in a row. They have a yellow streak in the middle of the outside of the petal, the inside of the flower is more of that pure orange color. I planted them on the east side of the house where they get some sun and some shade.
I haven't actually seen the flowers yet but the plants coming up are nice and healthy. I have received so many compliments from people walking by who are absolutely amazed by the color and health of the spring flower garden. I always tell them where I ordered my bulbs. HBF .... You will never be disappointed!
we planted these along with some orca doubles & they have added so much color to our little lawn.