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First Frost Hosta

First Frost Hosta (77350)

4.69 stars, based on 16 reviews
First Frost is a a highly revered hosta and won the Hosta of the Year Award from the American Hosta Growers Association. First Frost Hosta grows to a medium size with bluish green leaves surrounded by creamy gold margins that fade to...
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Reviews 16-16 of 16

Very Pleased with First Frost Hosta!

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  • Well Developed roots ready to grow
My First Frost Hostas arrived with large roots and some had small sprouts. I watered them well and planted the next day. They grew very fast from little sprouts to plants in just a few days with visible growth everyday. I was amazed with how well they grew and with the amount of roots on each plant. I have bought mail order Hosta roots before and found them to be very slow growing, less growth in two years than these had in a weeks time! They have also out preformed many of my Hostas purchased from nurserys already growing in pots. I am very pleased and highly recommend these.

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