I started the two roots I received, which were substantial, in the Miracle Gro 12 hydroponic system. I put them in on Easter Sunday and took them out at the end of the month, because the plants had reached the light at the top of the system. Plus, some lower leaves were turning yellow, so I feared it might be too much watering. I then planted both in one 7 gallon fabric pot, with Miracle Gro potting soil, and put them outside. They are growing taller and taller, and this week there are flowering buds at the tops.
Bare roots look good. Planted them this weekend.
The plant was received in very good condition with moisture in the bag. Planted it about 3 weeks ago and it is popping up through the soil. So far, so good! I shall probably review later after the plant has matured and flowered.
Ordered two of these. They arrived properly packaged and appeared healthy. Planted in the same location, one made it, one did not. The surviving plant is growing beautifully. Looking forward to seeing the blooms this summer.
Bought 2 plants. One is growing ok, slow but okay. Other did not survive. Was possibly too cold for it when initially planted.