This collection of shade plants is the perfect choice for any beginner shade gardener. This collection will provide blooms in spring and summer, and is filled with easy to grow plants.
Bleeding Hearts are a classic shade garden plant that bloom in early spring. They are quite eager to grow and establish themselves in spring. Plant in a full to partial shade area with soil that is moist, but drains well.
Hosta are a treasured shade plant that are grown for their interesting foliage. The Mixed Hosta Value Bag has a mixture of hosta with different leaf colors, textures and sizes.
Astilbe are a colorful shade loving perennial. They tend to be rather thirsty so be sure you don't miss a watering in the heat of summer.
Perennial Shade Value Collection Includes:
Gardening Tip: Bleeding Hearts tend to go dormant in the heat of summer. To avoid having a blank spot in your garden, plant the hosta and astible in front of and around the bleeding hearts.
Need more suggestions for your shade garden? Click here to read our Bulb Blog different shade loving perennials!