Easy to grow and beautiful to look at, these ruffled begonias can provide lush, yellow almost tropical color to your shaded areas this summer! This plant produces numerous, vibrantly-colored flowers all through July and August, nearly covering the mound of foliage. The fully double flowers also boasts of a slight ruffle along the petal edges which adds to its ambience in the garden. Symbolizing a fanciful mind and cautiousness.
Click here for a complete guide on planting Begonia!
Click here to read our Bulb Blog with more great information regarding growing Begonias successfully!
#71110 and 71141 have grown beautifully. the 71108 ruffled red begonia did not grow. It started a small growth one one but it didn't grow.
I ordered three different kinds of begonia bulbs. I planted them in the house, including the yellow ones. When I got them in the mail, I thought, these are the biggest begonia bulbs I've ever seen. I have one up so far, and I am waiting for the rest. It freezes here until the end of May, so I won't be putting them outside till June. I am very happy with my purchase.
Huge bulbs. The best. Thanks.
I've had these in years past and they are just gorgeous. They get prettier every year. I ordered new bulbs to plant and have growing for my sister's birthday in June. They arrived early and in good shape, with detailed planting & care instructions.